Massimo: The Anastasi Family Syndicate Book One : Social Rejects Syndicate Page 2
Shuffled from home to home, I learned how to adapt to my surroundings. Although counseling had helped me, there were things that triggered my memories. I’d been lucky enough to have kind foster parents at each home I was placed in, but most couldn’t handle my episodes.
When I entered high school, I was fortunate enough to have a teacher that cared, Mrs. Dobbs. She was an older woman in her sixties with grown children of her own. Taking me under her wing in school, she pushed me hard and taught me to never be a victim of my circumstances.
When I graduated, Mrs. Dobbs shocked me with a gift... this laptop. It has been my prized possession ever since. Having limited funds meant I couldn’t afford a cell phone. It made finding employment hard, because business owners can’t seem to fathom someone my age not having one.
Video chats and email were my only forms of communication, and I made that clear to any potential employers. I had to make a hard choice, internet for school or a cell phone. Obviously, the internet won out. That was the first bill I paid, then rent, which luckily included the utilities.
Glancing at the discarded letter beside me, the red letters mocked me. I had to find something and fast. Being homeless was not something I could afford to deal with. I was about to be a senior in college and being forced to drop out to find work would crush me—not when I’d worked so hard to graduate early. If everything went right, I’d graduate with my Bachelor’s in Business this semester at the age of twenty-one.
Opening a browser, I decided to check my email first. I noticed something from Diane, one of my classmates, in my inbox. Clicking on the message, I read her note:
I know you said you were looking for work the other day. A friend of mine works at a nightclub called Discoteca just off the strip. She asked me if I knew anyone looking for work. It would be night hours and apparently, they pay REALLY well. Anyway, just thought I’d send you the info.
Opening another window, I immediately searched for Discoteca. The screen filled with images of an upscale bar. It was apparently three stories, offering a private party area and a members only portion on the third floor. Clicking on the employment tab, I scanned the posting for jobs.
They were looking for waitstaff to start immediately. Employees were offered a salary package and benefits if hired. Closing my eyes, I sent a quick prayer to anyone listening and filled out the form. After attaching my resume, I hit send and held my breath. It was the first real opportunity I had in weeks.
After sending a few assignments to my professors, I closed the lid and laid my laptop on the floor. Forcing myself to stand, I headed into the shower. I had an early morning class, which meant an even earlier wake up. Without funds or a car, I’d be walking to school. It took me about thirty minutes to get to campus on foot.
Maybe the fates would be in my favor and I’d get a call back about the job. Lord knows, I was two skips away from being out on my ass.
Chapter 3
“What do you mean the shipment is missing?” Pulling my feet from their perch on the desk, I leaned back and placed my elbows on the desk.
“One of our guys down at the freight yard said only nine trucks are accounted for.”
Slamming my fists onto the desk, I screamed, “FUCK!” I ran my hand through my hair. “Have you contacted Antonio?”
The freight yard housed all our construction supplies and was a front for arms trafficking. A shipment of lumber concealed weapons from inspections. Even though we were each responsible for a business, my father was grooming me to take over as head of our family. That meant everything that happened went through me.
“No, Sir. I wanted to tell you first.”
Grabbing my phone, I put it on speaker. “I hope Antonio has some clue as to what happened,” I grumbled as the sound of ringing filled my office.
“Fratello,” Antonio answered the phone, sounding unaware of the issue.
“Antonio, we have a matter I need your assistance with here at the club.”
“I’ll be there in ten.”
Throwing my phone onto my desk, I heaved out a breath. It was best practice to keep our conversations minimal, in case the phones were tapped. Even though the family has numerous politicians and local officials in our pockets, avoiding a headache was paramount. We never knew when the ATF or FBI were listening.
Needing a distraction until my brother arrived, I called Carlisle into the office. “Where are we on applicants for Kitty’s position?”
“Oddly enough, I got an email last night after we talked. I forwarded you the information to look at.”
Opening the laptop on my desk, I checked my email. Scanning through the various notifications, I found the one he sent me. “Madison Hart...” I read through her resume. “She’s only twenty.”
“She has experience waiting tables. None of the other applicants did. Training someone with no prior knowledge of being a server would be a complete nightmare.”
Sitting back in my chair, I closed my eyes. She was young, but that never stopped me before. Glancing at her information again, I noted her birthday was in a month. “She turns twenty-one in a few weeks. Get her in for an interview. If she impresses me, we will work around the age issue.”
“I’ll go shoot her an email now. Any particular time for the interview?”
“Massimo?” Antonio stepped into the room, glancing at Carlisle and Donny.
“Carlisle, schedule it for as soon as possible.”
Nodding, he ducked out of the office and closed the door behind himself.
“We have a problem.” I leaned back in my chair, slipping a pen between my fingers. “A shipment is missing.”
“What do you mean missing?”
“Only nine deliveries were made. There should have been ten.”
“Fuck.” Antonio palmed his face. “Does father know?”
“Not yet. Any ideas what happened?”
“No clue. I’ll get some of my guys to start asking around. A whole truck doesn’t just disappear.”
“I agree. Donny.” I glanced at my right-hand man. “I need you to put your ear to the ground. Anything you hear related to weapons; I want to know about. We’ve got to find these guns before any government agencies get involved.”
“You got it, Boss.”
Donny rushed out of the room. I knew he’d find something. He had a way of pulling information out of people who normally didn’t talk.
Antonio plopped down into the chair opposite of me. I could tell something else was weighing on his mind. Being the youngest of the three of us, he’s the more emotional brother.
“What’s on your mind?”
Antonia sighed. “Papa´ is going to have my head for this. He already thinks I’m too young to head an operation.”
“Bullshit. You’re just as capable as me or Vin.” At twenty-six, Vincenzo was a renowned chef here in Vegas. Our father had been resistant to his career path, but realized it was another way for the family to grow our empire. The Anastasi family was the largest Mafia organization in Las Vegas. We answered to no one.
“You know he’s not going to see it that way. He’ll blame me for not having more men watching the movement of the freight.”
“Don’t get all self-deprecating yet. Let’s wait on Donny and see what he rustles up. When we find who did this, they’ll pay. Nobody fucks with the Anastasi brothers.”
“You’re right, Fratello.” Antonio stood up, smiling at me. “We will macellare them all.”
“You and your need to use Italian. I will let you know if I hear something, you do the same. We’ll bring Papa´ in on this once we have a lead. Until then, let me handle it.”
“Boss?” Carlisle stuck his head inside my office door. “Sorry, Antonio, don’t mean to interrupt.”
“It’s fine.” He stood from his chair. “I need to get back and see about this screw up.”
Antonio patted Carlisle on the back as he walked out. “Fino a domani
“What is it?” I opened my computer, scanning my emails.
“The girl can be here at eight for an interview.”
Glancing at the clock, “Thirty minutes? Great. I’m going to make some calls. Show her back when she gets here.”
“Will do.”
After he left my office, I tapped my fingers across the keyboard. There had to be something we overlooked with the missing shipment. After sending several emails, I decided to call Vincenzo. While I wasn’t ready to tell my father, bringing my brother in on the matter could help narrow down who took our shipment.
“Bellissimo Amore, how can I help you this evening?” The chipper voice of Kaitlyn, the restaurant’s assistant manager, answered.
“Kaitlyn, how are you this evening?”
“Oh, Mr. Anastasi, it’s been busy. You need Vincenzo?”
“Yes. Is he free to chat for a moment?”
“You know your brother. He’s elbows deep in the kitchen, but I’ll go grab him. Hang on, ok?”
“Thanks.” I listened to the nauseating hold music, wondering why he even chose the shitty sleep-inducing sound.
“Massimo, what’s the matter?” His voice sounded gruff and frazzled.
“Sorry, Vin, I wouldn’t interrupt dinner service if it wasn’t important. Are you in your office?”
“Yeah. Didn’t figure this was a social call.”
“We’ve got a problem. Some of the lumber has gone missing.”
“Fuck... really?”
“Donny is asking around about it, but I wanted to let you know in case you hear something.”
“Does Papà know?”
“Not yet. I’d like to keep it on the down low until we have more details.”
“Shit, Massimo, he’ll be fucking furious.”
“He’s going to be pissed either way. If I wait until I know something more, I’ll have something to give him. Right now, all I can tell him is someone’s made off with our materials.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Ok,” he sighed into the phone, “I’ll keep my ear open. Look, I’ll come by the club tomorrow. I gotta run, they’re losing their shit in the kitchen.”
“Ok. Be safe.”
“You to. Fino a domani.”
“Fino a domani.”
Disconnecting the call, I couldn’t help but smile. Fino a domani meant until tomorrow. It was something my family said instead of goodbye. My laptop pinged with a notification. I noted my interview would arrive any minute. My hope was she would fit in here at the club because we needed someone as soon as possible.
When my eyes read through the email, fury like no other coursed through my blood. Snatching my phone, I dialed Antonio and stood.
“Miss me already?” he chuckled into the line.
“What do you know about Jose Juarez?”
“Jose?” Antonio paused. “He’s one of my drivers, but... he wasn’t scheduled on this last run.”
“Well.” I tried to keep myself from exploding by taking a deep breath and exhaling. “That motherfucker is responsible for the missing cargo.”
“Are you sure?”
“Someone sent me a god damn email thanking me for the lumber. They appreciated our cooperation.”
“And you think Jose was involved?”
“YES, I’M FUCKING SURE HE WAS INVOLVED.” My blood was boiling at that point. Not only had one of Antonio’s men betrayed us, it looked like he sold us out to the Mexican Mafia. “Does the name Juan Carlos tell you I’m right, because that’s who wanted to share his gratitude.”
“The suspected leader of the Sureños? Fuck.”
“Yes. I don’t care what you have to do; find that fucking Cagna and bring me his head.”
Chapter 4
My nerves were off the chart. I had a little over thirty minutes before I was to meet with Massimo Anastasi, the owner of Discoteca. I changed my clothes three times, finally settling on a fitted black bodycon dress that stopped at my shin. Pulling my long hair into a sleek ponytail, I grabbed my red heels and stepped out of my apartment.
At five foot ten, I was taller than most guys, with heels on, I towered over them. Ensuring my door was locked, I hurried down the steps and out onto the sidewalk. Knowing I was going to have to walk, I had put on tennis shoes and shoved my heels into my bag. I’d swap them out once I reached the club.
Trying to keep my bag tucked under my arm, I walked as fast as I could. Being out on the streets in my neck of the woods wasn’t smart at this time of night, but when I got the call asking to come in for an interview, I couldn’t say no.
The walk didn’t take as long as I expected. Rounding the corner, I noted the long line forming outside the door of Discoteca. Slipping off my tennis shoes, I traded them for my red heels. Securing my hair one more time, I walked to the front of the line.
The bouncer took up the entire width of the door. His body resembled a linebacker, solid and well . . . scary as fuck. His arms were as big of round as my thighs and that was saying something because I was a big girl.
“Hey, bitch,” some girl called out from the line. “You need to take your ass to the end of the line.”
The bouncer glanced my way, raising one eyebrow as if he was saying I should listen to her.
“Did you hear me or are you deaf?”
Tired from a long day at school and in no mood to entertain the girl who looked like she was more plastic than human, I turned toward her, pinning her with a glare.
“I heard you, but you mean nothing to me, so I was ignoring you. Now, if you’ll excuse me . . .” I turned back to the bouncer. “I have an appointment with Mr. Anastasi. My name is Madison Hart.”
The bouncer leaned back, pressing something in his ear as he spoke. “Right this way, Mrs. Hart.”
“It’s miss, thank you.”
The Barbie’s mouth dropped. “Are you seriously letting that skank in over me?” He ignored her as he ushered me past her. “This is complete bullshit.” She stomped her heel.
“Lady.” I glanced over my shoulder. “Take some free advice. Men don’t like whiny little girls. Stop acting like a little bitch and get over it.” I followed the bouncer inside, never giving the girl a second thought.
“You handled her well,” the bouncer chuckled. “Go to the bar and tell Carlisle you’re here. He’s expecting you.”
“Thank you...” my words drifted, waiting for his name.
“Oscar, Ma’am.”
“Oscar, be safe out there.” I smiled as I headed toward the bar.
My breath stilled as I stepped onto the main floor. The room was dark with pulsing lights and strobes that danced across the gyrating bodies of people covering the dance floor as the sound of Steppenwolf’s song, Desperation, filled the room. The song was fitting, seeing as I was desperate for work. Pushing past the throngs of people, I edged up to the counter.
The club obviously had look requirements for their employees because the bartender was like a Greek God. He was at least six feet tall with a body sculpted by Zeus himself. His brown curly hair framed his face, giving him the look of your typical Italian man.
“Can I get you anything?” He laid a napkin down in front of me.
“Actually, I’m Madison Hart. I think you emailed me about the position?”
“Madison... yes. Wow.” He appraised my body. “Not what I expected. I’m Carlisle, the manager. The boss is going to be surprised. Give me a second and I can show you to his office.”
“If you just point me in the direction, I can find it. I can see you’re swamped right now.”
Glancing around the bar, he hesitated. “You know what?” He held his hand, signaling someone calling for another round at the end of the bar to wait a moment. “Just go around the bar at that end and then down the hallway. His office is the only door on the left. He’s expecting you so just knock.”
“Great. Thank you so much for contacting me.”
He nodded, hurrying over to some patrons who were b
ecoming pretty rowdy. I squeezed my way around the crowd and stepped into the hallway. Straightening my dress and fiddling with my hair, I took a deep breath. This job could change my life, giving me an opportunity to finish school without the stress of becoming homeless.
I noticed the door Carlisle mentioned wasn’t closed. Stepping closer, I couldn’t help but overhear who I assumed was Mr. Anastasi, on the phone.
“YES, I’M FUCKING SURE HE WAS INVOLVED. This email is from Juan Carlos.”
He paused; his anger evident in his tone.
“I don’t care what you have to do. Find that fucking Cagna and bring me his head.”
I stood there frozen, staring at the back of the man who held my fate in his hands. He slammed his cell phone onto the desk, causing it to bounce off and skid to a stop at my feet. I looked down at the offending object, shocked and unsure of what to do. Slowly raising my head, my eyes found his deep brown gaze staring back at me.
“Can I help you?” he growled.
“Um...” I hesitated, scared to open my mouth.
“Well, don’t just fucking stand there. What do you want?” he snapped, dropping into his chair.
“Ummm,” I stuttered, forcing myself to answer him. “My name is Madison Hart. I had an appointment to meet with you about a job. I can come back if you want?” I fidgeted with my hands, my bag feeling heavy against my side.
“Shit!” He rose, hurrying over to me. Bending down, he fisted his phone and shoved it into his pocket. “No. I’m sorry about what you heard.”
“You don’t need to explain.” My heart was pounding so hard, I was sure he could hear it.
“Come in, please.”
His hand rested at the small of my back and guided me to the chair in front of his desk. Shutting the door, he moved quickly to take his seat.
“Can we start over?” He cocked his head and grinned.
I thought Carlisle was gorgeous, but the man sitting in front of me had to be a God himself. He towered over me, even in my heels. His large frame filled out his suit to perfection. When he moved, his muscles flexed beneath the expensive fabric, causing my mouth to water. His black hair was short on the sides, but longer on the top. It hung loosely, swooping across his forehead.